Crowe's Perch Personal Photos from RCaus

Check out a GAZILLION GREAT PICS from Donita here

If your browser times out before all the graphics load just right-click (PC) on the x-box and select "Show Picture".

To use your personal photo on the board:
1. Click on the picture
2. A new browser window will open (unless you are in webtv, in which case you can look at the icons here but I don't think you can use them on the board due to browser limitations)
3. Highlight the entire address/URL with your mouse
4. Copy it
5. Go to the Control Center on the EZBoard
6. Select "Edit Preferences"
7. Paste this URL in the "Personal Photo" field
(not "Personal Icon", which is the tiny graphic next to your screen name)

icon_ribbon.gif (836 bytes)
(small enough
for personal icon)
Birthstone icons from Hebea:







sthonorstripes.gif (4083 bytes)
AFI BlueShirt BudWhite GG01 GG01a Glad1
Glad2 Glad3 icon1 People_0400 pol1 pol2
prisonerots proof QATD1 TalkMag0500 pol3 romper
amerflag_sm.gif (342 bytes)